Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Streamyx Speed connection

i tried this out on TMnet website. It is a free tool that u can test your streamyx speed. This throughput test will transfer data between your computer and the selected server.
i signed up streamyx 512kbps package which should be have download speed 512kbps and upload speed 256kbps. why have so much different?


Jayce said...

Your download speed is too low and latency is too high. Ask TM to fix for you. Else reduce the monthly fee since you are getting the full speed. ^_^

伟的分享部落 said...

okok.. will try tonight to double comfirm. if still cant get the speed that should be, will call them up.

伟的分享部落 said...

okok.. will try tonight to double comfirm. if still cant get the speed that should be, will call them up.